Google Sheets Data Migration Guide

Sheetify Google Sheets Migration Guide (Move Your Data with Ease)

Google Sheets Data Migration

Learn how to migrate your Google Sheets data from one sheet to another... The right way.

I share how you can migrate data from one Google Sheets template to another.

More specifically I share how to migrate Sheetify CRM 3.0 Google Sheets data over to the new Sheetify CRM 4.0 (Most recent update).

Don't Just Copy & Paste!

You might thing that you can copy and paste your data form one sheet to another BUT it's not that simple.

They key to doing this correctly is by using Copy and Paste Special.

Then you have two options in order to paste the data correctly.

  • Values only
  • Formulas only

 Watch our video down below that shares how you can migrate your Google Sheets data correctly.

Sheetify Google Sheets Data Migration

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